all postcodes in SN10 / DEVIZES

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN10 5AA 3 3 51.349608 -1.989397
SN10 5AB 3 3 51.34932 -1.987688
SN10 5AD 16 1 51.349074 -1.990194
SN10 5AE 4 0 51.346182 -1.98812
SN10 5AF 34 0 51.347243 -1.990115
SN10 5AG 2 0 51.346359 -1.990338
SN10 5AJ 6 0 51.34656 -1.989958
SN10 5AL 8 0 51.345814 -1.988263
SN10 5AN 7 1 51.345157 -1.987862
SN10 5AP 7 0 51.343692 -1.988006
SN10 5AQ 8 0 51.347819 -1.99112
SN10 5AR 8 0 51.346484 -1.988113
SN10 5AS 10 0 51.34531 -1.986928
SN10 5AT 31 0 51.344033 -1.984933
SN10 5AU 31 0 51.346776 -1.98687
SN10 5AW 9 0 51.344267 -1.987919
SN10 5AX 21 0 51.341137 -1.98334
SN10 5AY 16 0 51.34361 -1.985062
SN10 5AZ 50 0 51.345966 -1.98621
SN10 5BA 24 0 51.345184 -1.985378